SFX Day 5: Art History Moments and Planning!

     With the freezing temperatures of Monday and Tuesday, today was our first day back to J-term. We started out the day with a wonderful presentation by Ms. Vasquez about art movements throughout history. The rest of the morning was used to create out own makeup looks inspired by art movements that we learned about this morning.

We learned about the Rococo movement, the Post-Impressionist movement, the Dada Movement, Surrealism, Pop-Art, and Minimalism. Sophia and Eleanor experimented with the Rococo movement, with lighter skin, and rosy cheeks to represent the subjects of Rococo artwork. Isa used Pop-Art to create her look of a dotted face. Declan recreated a well-known Dada inspired piece. Katie used Post-Impressionist techniques to create her look. 

After lunch we came back to plan out our two final looks on face charts, and experiment with techniques we would like to use for them. Lots of the class experimented with scar-wax and liquid latex to create 3D objects for their looks. We watched a few episodes of Doctor Who while planning since the show uses lots of SFX makeup to create their aliens. 

Sabrina and Jayla also used this time to experiment with different, bigger makeup looks. 

We are all very excited to create our final makeup looks tomorrow! 
